Lesser Redpoll revisited, Longformacus, Scottish Borders. Posted on 20/06/2010 by Ron McCombe. I went to the area were I photographed the lesser redpoll earlier in the week. It took a little finding but I did connect with them again. ...
And on the same day, members of Cranshaws, Ellemford and Longformacus Community Council lent their support to a petition calling for a Parliamentary review of renewable energy policy. The application for a 23 turbine development at ...
Gregory, ancestor of the Sinclairs of Longformacus, Berwickshire, baronets. The second son is historically known by his spirited conduct in repelling an invasion of the English in 1317. The latter had landed in considerable numbers at ..... The eldest son, Sir John, sixth baronet, succeeded to the estate of Murkle, Caithness-shire, on the death of the ninth earl of Caithness in 1765. At his own death in 1789, his eldest son, Sir Robert, became seventh baronet. ...